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MANDÍK, a.s. is certified according to ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management Systems)



Environmental management systems (as well as Occupational health and safety management systems) are in MANDÍK, a.s. successfully introduced, maintained, and developed since 2017. In view of the generally ever-increasing requirements, it was decided in 2023 to carry out the certification of both systems mentioned and the subsequent introduction of a comprehensive IMS (Integrated Management System), which will include processes that meet the requirements of ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance).
The first step was completed according to plan. As of August 2024, MANDÍK, a.s. is certified according to ISO 14001:2015. This commitment to sustainable development is completely fulfilled in all aspects of the activity of MANDÍK, a.s.
Certification of the established Occupational health and safety management systems will be carried out in 2025.
The introduction of a comprehensive IMS is evidence of the continuous efforts of MANDÍK, a.s. minimize the environmental impact of its activities, from design, development and production to assembly and service of all products. Sustainability is a key element of the long-term strategy of MANDÍK, a.s., and it is reflected in all areas of the activities carried out.
The goal of MANDÍK, a.s. is not only to shape the future, but also to shape it with regard to impacts in the field of general responsibility, sustainability, impact on the environment and human society.

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