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AHUMAN 1.5.454.3 - rev.1715 – 08.07.2024The design and calculation program for air-handling units. Program AHUMAN is used for draft of air-handling units type M and P with airflow volume from 800 to 100.000 m3/h.

REVIT PLUGIN 1.0.3.Plugin to insert air handling unit into Revit. With plugin, it is possible to import the air handling unit created by AHUMAN design program into Autodesk Revit.
This plugin can be installed in Autodesk Revit version 2017 through 2024.

MANSEL 014.06.23 – 19.06.2023Designing and calculation program for the selection and calculation of air-ventilation components.The MANSEL program can be used to make selection and calculation of “the working points” for the MANDÍK ventilation components.
